Our mission is to tell everyone we can about Jesus. We are a team that has changed over time (a product of having been here for over 30 years) that is a small part of the body of Christ. We are dedicated to teaching the Word of God as we are convinced that it’s the only thing that can change a person’s heart and thereby change their eternal destiny, as well as their present situation.
We have Bible Studies in different communities every day of the week, where we teach verse by verse the Word of God and we trust the Lord to change people’s hearts through hearing God’s truth and seeing it lived out in the lives of His children.
There are many of us here dedicated to the “going out,” along with many of you out there that are just as much a part of the team as you are the ones that help us to be able to go out knowing that you have our backs.
I was called to the mission field in 1978 after hearing my pastor Chuck Smith say that, “if you’ve heard this before, it’s probably time to get out and start something someplace else.”
Ana and I have 3 biological children and 7 grandchildren (soon to be revised) and many more children that God has allowed us to be parents to over the years. We were married in 1980 here in Alamos, and then lived back in the States for almost 4 years, moving back to this area permanently in 1984.

Daniel & Ana Jones

Roshon, Aaliyah, Obed & Josue
Roshon is our worship leader and does a Bible study for women in Alamos. Her children stay busy being awesome and making their grandparents happy.